Favorite Artists: Paul Pope


If you haven’t explored the work of Paul Pope I can’t really blame you. He’s pretty obscure even by way of comic artists. Most of his work is criminally out of print.

I first heard about Pope back in the 90s when some friends of mine reviewed his indie comic THB in their ‘zine (‘zines were like blogs before the internet). I managed to snag issue #1 of THB in my local comic shop. THB #1 was pretty different from a typical DC/Marvel publication. It was black and white and thick, more the weight of a catalogue than a typical comic. The art itself was very loose, changing styles as the story progressed: from heavy ink, to B&W washes, then almost appearing to be the pencil roughs for long periods.


The story of THB was at once typical sci-fi fare (a girl growing up on Mars) and at the same time something very unique thanks to Pope’s world-building skills. However the thing that really had me hooked was the art. In my humble opinion Pope understands how ink should be used. All of his drawings have a fluidity and energy that are enhanced by the drama of being black and white. He’s someone I try to ape when I ink.

Just look at the energy and excitement in these two panels where the heroine of THB destroys an evil piano.


Pope recently stirred the pot a bit when he remarked that DC Comics only made comics for 45-year-olds and he wanted to make comics for kids. I wish more skilled artists approached comics with the same zany attitude that Pope does.


The only work of Pope’s that is currently in print is his new series Battling Boy. It’s really great stuff: lots of fun with outstanding art. I only wish it had been published in black and white. Pope’s work always seems to look sharper without color. Personally, I’m still hoping for a reprint of all the THB comics in black and white. I have no idea why it hasn’t happened yet.

Rock Star: WIP

Work in progress in the Moleskine book. My goal is to have this inked and done tomorrow. Note: guitars are hard to draw in perspective. That headstock still needs work.


Fifteen years later and I really miss the 90s. What a great decade. The aughts have nothing on it. This young lady is 90s all the way.

Sketchbook from Camping

We just returned from a four-day camping trip on the Oregon coast. Camping is one of those things that I’m always super optimistic about when packing: “I’ll read a book! Go running! Draw a lot!” and then I end up just trying to survive. I did manage to fill up a few sketchbook pages though.


New Old Pencil

I want practice drawing people in positions other than straight on. So this is sort of me looking over my shoulder. I am not trying to be narcissistic but its just easy to be my own model. Also! I lost my pencil and found a new one that I like a whole lot better. It’s an actual drawing pencil, insane that it works better, huh?


She seemed like she was angry about something… Probably exercising by the looks of her hair.

Also, I think the perspective would have been a bit better if her far shoulder were lower.




I love this part. The rebellion is anxiously waiting for the Death Star to be in firing range of a planet ( can’t remember the name). She is staring at what is supposed to be a graph of the Death Star moving closer and closer. What Cracks me up is how extremely bored she looks. it must have been a long day because she is simply zoning staring at nothing. That image was my inspiration. I didn’t quite capture her bored stare.

My issue is how do I finish this? Should it be black ink? Water color? color pencil?I need some opinions. Help me WordPress readers, your my only hope.
